Reverse Engineering a 90’s Research Robot

I bought this 25+ year old robot at auction in a non-functioning state knowing almost nothing about it. The robot is a Nomadic Technologies N150. It has an interesting omnidirectional drive train and an array of sensors intended to be used for SLAM.

I disassembled the entire robot to reverse engineer it. After figuring out how the drive control worked, I made a few wiring modifications, installed new batteries, and added a microcontroller to interface with the original motor drivers.

After getting the robot functioning, I wired in an old playstation controller to manually control the drive motors.

Project Video

Since virtually no information about these robots is available on the internet, I chose to document the entire disassembly and testing process in depth so that it may be a helpful resource to anyone else trying to restore one of these. Skip to 44:20 to see the robot going for a test drive at the skatepark!

These are the main electronics I reverse engineered in order to interface a modern microcontroller with the existing drive controls. The central triangular PCB stack performs power distribution and switching, as well as breaks out the signal pins for the motor drivers. I figured out the dual 12v/24v power system so that I could install new batteries. I determined the pinouts of all the connections I needed to break into for motor control. The 3 smaller vertical PCBs around the perimeter are brushed motor drivers. I figured out how the enable, PWM, and direction pins were routed and connectorized. I also figured out how to wire in a switch and emergency stop.

I used a wired PS2 controller to manually control the robot. I used this controller because it can be read via SPI easily with an arduino. I modified its cable so that it could plug right in to an existing header on the top of the robot.

I soldered together this protoboard to securely handle all the electronics once I was done verifying the circuit on a breadboard. The microcontroller is a Teensy 4.0. It contains a DC/DC converter to power the Teensy, a large 24 pin connector for the signals that go through the slip ring to the base of the robot, a smaller 16 pin header for the cable which reads the PS2 controller, a connector for the emergency stop switch which opens the circuit energizing the relays that provide power to the motors, and a final connector for the on/off switch, which cuts power to the microcontroller.

I 3D printed a mount with heat set inserts to hold the protoboard in the top of the robot using existing threaded holes.

After completing final assembly, I took the robot for a ride at the local skate park. This winding sloped track is certainly not the intended use case for the drive train, but it performed impressively well.

This was a fun project and I certainly got some funny looks at the skatepark. It performed better than expected until eventually flipping over on a curved slope. It was barely damaged, suffering a failure in the connection to the playstation controller. In the future, I’ll get the robot driving autonomously so that I can experiment with SLAM via the 16 onboard sonar modules and array of bumper sensors.


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